Yahoo rachète MyBlogLog

Le réseau communautaire MyBlogLog mettant en relation les publicateurs et les lecteurs du web vient d'être racheté par Yahoo pour une dizaine de millions de dollars, selon le magazine Forbes.

Extrait: "The social network is the more valuable thing for future growth, according to both companies. “The biggest thing in blog search is ego search – my name, the web sites I love,” says Rafer, who will work for Horowitz, promoting his service to Yahoo’s many properties. “People search Google and Wikipedia for information; with blogs, people look for cool things and serendipity.” And, by watching what readers look at, and learning overall behaviors, companies like his can sell to advertisers information about what products should be advertised where."
Miroir, mon beau miroir... :)

Vu chez Mashable...
Yahoo rachète MyBlogLog Yahoo rachète MyBlogLog Reviewed by Greg on 9.1.07 Rating: 5

3 commentaires:

  1. waou t'étais en avance sur les autres sur cette info ;p

  2. Super d'avoir la primeur et de nous en donner l'information si vite, si tôt !


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